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Conference Spring Training Day
Saturday, April 13, 2019, 9am - 3pm

White House FMC, 2125 Springhill Furnace Rd, Smithfield, PA

Spring Training Day for Pastors, Delegates, Leaders and all members of your congregation will be an outstanding event led by Supt. Brad Button of the East Michigan Conference. Brad has pastored and grown small and large churches, was the FMC Mission Mobilizer and is a Nominee for Bishop of the Free Methodist Church. He brings a wealth of experience to challenge us to greater things in Christ!
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Topic: “Fully Led - Fully Leading: Maximizing Your Kingdom Impact”
Brad's teaching will include:
  • Aligning with God’s Heart
  • Tending to Your Soul
  • Embracing Your Leadership Reality
  • Understanding the Importance of Change Process and Structures
  • Surrendering to the Journey

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